When people think of “Arizona pests”, scorpions are usually first on the list! Bark Scorpions are the only poisonous species located in North America and fatalities are extremely rare. But, the stink of a Bark Scorpion is very painful; and allergic reactions are possible. Warmer weather equals more scorpion activity!
Yellow-brown in color, makes them very hard to see on top of tile or carpet in the home. A great way to keep them out of the home is by controlling the environment in the home and yard. Here’s an example: Check your weather stripping around all the doors. If daylight is coming through, this means a scorpion can easily squeeze through! Scorpions can travel through very small holes. Use caulk or sealant to plug up cracks. The foundation and other areas around doors and windows needs to be sealed tightly.
If you have potted plants, keep them on tiny stands in the yard and do not overwater them. A pot that always has water makes it a great spot for a scorpion nest. Yard debris also attracts scorpions, along with roaches, black-widows and earwigs! Keep the dead plants, branches, woodpiles, and the piles of spare shingles or tiles cleaned up! AZ Scorpion Pest Control Cave Creek
There are many Arizona residents that think scorpions cannot be controlled or killed. This is not true. With the right products and application of that product, the scorpions can be controlled when sprayed directly or even indirectly. Have the outside perimeter of the home treated with a thin glaze of dust that kills scorpions if it gets on their body. AZ Scorpion Pest Control Cave Creek
Contact Lady Bug Pest Control Specialists. We offer Free Home Inspection for Termites, Eco-Friendly Pest Control, Home Seal Service, Bed Bug Eco-Heat, and Rodent Control. We perform Complete Home Inspections. Lady Bug also will do a free termite inspection if you already are under contract with another company and take over your existing termite warranty policy. Please feel free to contact Lady Bug Pest Control Specialists to answer any of your pest control questions or for a FREE Inspection. 480-833-1111.