Encountering Bees—What You Should Know
Bees in Your Area
Not every bee situation you see or hear about is an emergency. A lot of the time, bees will leave you alone or leave the area you are in, in a matter of time. Now, most bees in the Valley are Africanized wild Honey Bees. These types of bees are known to sing in larger numbers, especially compared to other species of bees.
According to the University of Arizona, Africanized bees were first seen in southern Arizona in 1993. They are usually seen more often in the warmer months. If they are disturbed, they may attack. But even if you do not disturb them, they also will respond to vibrations and high activity in an area.
If you see these types of bees, the first thing to do is to be very cautious. When you are outdoors, listen for any warning signs or keep your eyes peeled for possible hives or swarms. If you hear buzzing sounds, pay attention. Check corners and be very careful where you let your pets and livestock live and roam.
If you do happen to come upon bees, do not disturb them. Assess your situation, mainly, are you in danger? Or are they just close by you? Bee Removal Near Me Cave Creek AZ
If bees do decide to attack, the best thing you can do is run from the area and cover your face. Protecting your face as much as possible is key. Most of the time, spraying water or swatting is not enough to keep them away from you. This actually may cause them to sting more. Find shelter as soon as possible.
If you get stung, remove the stinger as quickly as possible. This will help prevent more venom from being released into your body. Wash the area with soap and water, and apply ice directly to the area to help reduce any swelling. If your reaction is mild, anti-itch cream will help along with taking an allergy pill. Avoid scratching the area as much as possible.
If you are extremely allergic to bee stings, the symptoms will be much worse and can even result in death. If you feel like you are in danger or someone you are with is, do not hesitate to call 911.
If you have a swarm nearby and need it removed, call your local bee removal company. Bee Removal Near Me Cave Creek AZ
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