Termites are important in structural pest management. There are various species or groups that are most often found feeding on the wood of structures in North America. The proper identification relies upon certain features and structures of the termites, and knowledgeable pest professionals reduce the chances of making an incorrect identification that can lead to serious problems. There can be other insects lurking out there that closely resemble those that are important to pest management.
The second most important group of wood-eating pests of structure are the beetles. It is interesting that “termites” are such a household word throughout the United States, but relatively few homeowners are aware of the many beetles that also can destroy wood. Perhaps they believe that wood-eating beetles restrict themselves to a diet of standing trees, and are unaware that the “recycling” of dead wood will continue after that dead wood is turned into furniture, flooring, cabinets, game boards, wood carvings, or other useful items in a home. The lowly beetle knows not (and likely does not care) what our uses are for that wood. It is simply their instinct to find it and turn it back into sawdust that is returned to the soil for reuse by the forest.
As with the termites, accurate identification of the beetles is extremely important. Once the ID is properly made you can then learn about the biology and behavior of the beetle, and this can lead to making the proper recommendation for its control. There also are look-alikes in the beetle world, just as with termites, and it may be normal for someone doing a wood destroying pest inspection of a home to be thinking in terms of pests of wood, and when a small, elongate beetle is found it might automatically be judged to be a powderpost beetle.
However, flour beetles that infest stored food products look very much like these Lyctus beetles, and cigarette beetles, also pests of food, could resemble furniture beetles. In some areas of the U.S. We have the Old House Borer, but there are several other species of these Long Horned Beetles that are similar, but with a much lower degree of importance. These may be no more than casual invaders that came in from the outside, possibly just beetles that had been living inside firewood, or even beetles that were actually feeding within structural wood in a new home, but ones that do not warrant fumigation or any other chemical control.
It is the role of a professional pest control inspector to offer customers the proper diagnosis of the problems in their home, and thus the proper recommendation for dealing with what is found.
At Lady Bug use a variety of environmentally responsible products to control pest activity. The ECO line of products we use are all EPA approved and are made from clove oil, guava fruit, rosemary and other organic products and naturally occurring materials. They are very effective against pests when injected into the cracks and crevices at the source of where pests live and breed, yet it is inaccessible to people and pets.
Beetles are 2nd to Termites in Damaging Wood Mesa, AZ
Contact Lady Bug Pest Control Specialists for a Free Home Inspection for Termites, Eco-Friendly Pest Control, Home Seal Service, Bed Bug Eco-Heat, and Rodent Control. We perform Complete Home Inspections at no charge. Please feel free to contact Lady Bug Pest Control Specialists to answer any questions or for a FREE Inspection. 480-833-1111.