Arizona Bugs
If you aren’t from Arizona, people tend to think that everyone that is found in Arizona will kill you…..insects, arachnids, the sun….you name it. But the truth is, most are relatively harmless and won’t even try to harm you unless they are provoked.
So if you see some of these wandering around your house, or out on the trail where you are hunting…….don’t squish it right away! Try to capture it with a cup and relocate it….or maybe study it for a bit!
- Apache Cicada (Diceroprocta apache )
Although it’s appearance can be quite scary, it really isn’t that harmful! You will hear these in the trees during the summer…..just a mid-toned buzzing sound right around monsoon season. Why the sound? That is what the male’s do to attract potential mates!
- Arizona Bark Scorpions Exterminator near me Mesa AZ
Often when scorpions are mentioned, their creepy-looking arachnid is what is discussed. These scorpions are more scrawny than the less poisonous relatives, and they are very good at climbing up spaces. If you get stung by one, expect there to be pain….and possible a trip to the hospital. You are most at risk from their stings is you are a child, elderly, or in poor health. But the good news, no one has died from a scorpion sting in at least 20 years!
These guys will glow under a black light…….so keep one handy if you want to look for them! If the tail is help up high…….it’s ready to sting! So be on the lookout! Exterminator near me Mesa AZ
Contact Lady Bug Pest Control Specialists. We offer Free Home Inspection for Termites, Eco-Friendly Pest Control, Home Seal Service, Bed Bug Eco-Heat, and Rodent Control. We perform Complete Home Inspections. Lady Bug also will do a free termite inspection if you already are under contract with another company and take over your existing termite warranty policy. Please feel free to contact Lady Bug Pest Control Specialists to answer any of your pest control questions or for a FREE Inspection. 480-833-1111.