The Science Behind Fireflies
Things You Didn’t Know About Lightning Bugs
While vacationing in the summer months, you may see your children running around in the backyard attempting to catch fireflies. You may be wondering what makes them flash? They can light up the night with their magical glow. Fireflies, also known as lightening bugs are a dazzling summer bug.
Fireflies aren’t Flies at all!
These pests are actually beetles. They are nocturnal and the name comes from the Greek word “lampein” which means to shine! There are some that are diurnal, but they don’t usually glow. Most fireflies have wings which distinguishes them from other luminescent insects from the same family, like glowworms. A glowworm can indicate many different species, including fireflies. Mesa Best Pest Control Company AZ
Fireflies are efficiency superstars.
These pests have light organs that are beneath their abdomen. There are more than 2000 species that bear the name “firefly”, they do not all glow. When a pest mixes oxygen with a pigment called luciferin to generate light, it produces very little heat. The light that some fireflies produce is extremely efficient. The most efficient in the world! Nearly 100% of the chemical reaction’s energy, turns into light! The light that the firefly produces can be green, yellow, or orange in color.
Often fireflies put their light to good use in a flashy display. In southeast Asia, some fireflies will synchronize their flashes. In the United States, this phenomenon occurs during the first few weeks of June, in the Great Smokey Mountains in Tennessee! Mesa Best Pest Control Company AZ
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