People Unlimited is Life Transforming!
By: Lisa Miller
People Unlimited is not only an organization; it is a community of people. It is people coming together regularly - meeting twice weekly and 1 weekend a month. We embrace living without any limitations, and the greatest limitation is death. The feeling within this community (I am an 8 year member), is that being physically immortal is the natural way for the human form and that death is not inevitable. We are meant to live, and to do that we must break through any limitations and limiting beliefs. Each individual is personally responsible to be focused and live a lifestyle that is complimentary to being very alive, and to have a passion to be a better person each day – to be better than the day before.
Fundamentally, it is an environment of people coming together with a common purpose. It’s a very strong feeling of power and passion when like minded people are supporting a common idea. We are encouraged to make the best choices for our own body - nutrition, exercise, healthy mental attitude – and to support one another with this message of aliveness, in a world that is quite the opposite. At People Unlimited I hear often, “Live long enough to live forever”. It’s about creating a life that is so enjoyable and amazing, I just want to do whatever it takes to keep going and going.
The real core of it has to do with personal experiences and transformations and deepening our human connection to each other. We can go a lot faster and a lot farther when we have each other. And it’s a lot more fun! Valuing our own bodies – and valuing other people – other human life – as the most precious thing – is how we will create a new world.
I read an article at . After reading it, I felt that the experiences that the writer had are very common among participants. Just like that writer, many people report positive results and feel better in their life after participating at a People Unlimited Event. They like the message of aliveness and feel the power of people together having such a passion for life and other people. However, Physical Immortality is action, it’s in the doing and living.
The writer of the article said in his final analysis of People Unlimited, “I could see that the people who embraced it reaped lots of emotional, financial, and other benefits. I would definitely support anyone who wanted to try out the group for themselves”.
It is curious that he got something out of it – yet he did not continue. Interestingly, it happens often in life, even when experiencing something powerful. People have an experience, they feel the power of it, and if it is not constantly nurtured and activated, it’s very easy to slip into old patters and ways, and then not stay engaged. That is why I feel it is important to participate regularly with People Unlimited and to be around others that have a common purpose and excitement about life.
I have a real passion for life, a real passion for people, and I want to encourage anyone who has a feeling for life to join us at en People Unlimited Event and experience it for yourself.