Are Wasps Dangerous
The actual wasp nest is not dangerous. If you have discovered one that is out of the way, it is likely to not cause any harm. It all depends on what type of wasp is inside. There are two types; social and solitary. If disturbed, the social wasp can present a potential danger.
Dangers of Wasps
- When a wasp stings, the pheromone in the venom of the stinger will attract nearby wasps and then cause them to be more aggressive.
- A severe reaction can affect some people. Anaphylaxis, if experienced, will require immediate treatment.
- Late summertime seems to be an even more aggressive time for wasps
- The more wasp stings, the more life threatening.
- Any sting to the face, chest, or neck can be dangerous because of swelling.
Myths About Wasp Danger Phoenix Best Pest Control Company AZ
- Wasps do not swarm, especially not like bees
- Only female wasps sting: males are drones, only used for mating before dying
- Single wasp stings will wear off within 24 hours, and can easily be treated
The purpose of the wasp nest has only one true purpose---to protect the young and a way to produce the young. The nest is organized into cells, the queen is responsible for populating. The queen lays eggs inside paralyzed insects. When they have hatched, they will feed on insects who have been their host. By summer, the wasps will have grown and then will start to help build the nest and make sure it’s maintained.
If you have an active wasp nest, the safest thing to do is to call a professional. Phoenix Best Pest Control Company AZ
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