How Serious Are Bed Bugs
While they may not pose an immediate danger, they reproduce rather quickly and live quite a long time. The females can deposit one to five eggs every day; and can lay up to 200-500 eggs in one life time. As long as room temperatures are normal and they have an adequate food supply, they can live for more than 300 days.
Tips to Keep them Away:
- Remove all clutter away from the home; this will make finding them MUCH easier.
- Wash and dry all bed linens at the hottest temperate you can.
- Keep a close eye and thoroughly inspect any second-hand furniture before you bring it in your home.
- Inspect your home after moving, trips, service calls, or you have had any overnight guests.
Like a lot of different bug species, it is possible for bed bugs to carry diseases. However, they are not known to transmit diseases to people. Because their diet is strictly blood, the bite can have various responses. Phoenix Pest Control Near Me AZ
If you have a pest control company come do an inspection, here is what you can expect.
They are sneaky and hard to find, but a professional is trained to pinpoint evidence if they are around. On the very first visit, your pest control professional will examine your entire house—including the bed, furniture, rugs, and even linens. They will inspect all target areas, and even use certain tools to check crack and crevices.
Inspections usually start in the bedroom, and then they will work through the home, concentrating on furniture and areas surrounding the furniture. They will be looking for these signs: live or dead bugs, skin casts, small spots of reddish/black fecal material, and cream-colored eggs. Phoenix Pest Control Near Me AZ
Contact Lady Bug Pest Control Specialists. We offer Free Home Inspection for Termites, Eco-Friendly Pest Control, Home Seal Service, Bed Bug Eco-Heat, and Rodent Control. We perform Complete Home Inspections. Lady Bug also will do a free termite inspection if you already are under contract with another company and take over your existing termite warranty policy. Please feel free to contact Lady Bug Pest Control Specialists to answer any of your pest control questions or for a FREE Inspection. 480-833-1111.