Where Do Mosquitoes Go in Winter?
Many people can’t stand that the final days of summer are approaching and dread the first frigid days of winter. But one reason some may welcome winter with open arms is to say goodbye to the mosquitoes and all the virus’s they carry with them!
It is a common misconception that mosquitoes die upon the arrival of Jack Frost. Read on to find out about season mosquito activity and how to prevent future mosquito problems!
Mosquito Lifecycle
Mosquitoes do not die off during the colder months. Exactly how they survive will differ by species. The mosquito that is responsible for transmitting the Zika virus overwinters in the egg stage. When the temperatures fall below 50 degrees Fahrenheit, the adult females will deposit their final batch of eggs in anything holding water, even as little as an half inch of water. The adults will die, but the deposited eggs will enter a state of diapause. This process suspends their development during the cold months.
When the temperatures start to rise and the rainfall starts in the spring, the eggs are re-submerged and hatch. This starts the next generation of pesky mosquitoes that seek out humans as a food source. What is more alarming is that even these offspring can be infected with Zika. Scorpion Pest Control Cave Creek AZ
Mosquito Bite Prevention
Wherever you live, you must always exercise caution when spending time outdoors, even in the winter. The best way is to carry over your summer habits into winter.
- Inspect your property for water-holding items that could contain mosquito eggs: flowerpots, birdbaths, tire swings, grill covers and other places where water collects.
- Unclog gutters, repair leaky pipes or faucets, drill holes in tire swings and wheel barrels to allow water to drain. Ensure trash cans are sealed tightly and lids aren’t flipped upside down.
- Apply insect repellents that contain at least 20% DEET, Picaridin, or oil of lemon-eucalyptus when outside, especially in areas that do not get much colder than 50 degrees. Scorpion Pest Control Cave Creek AZ
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