Termites sometimes mistakenly "flying ants" while swarming, are small, delicate insects that live in colonies in the soil or in wood. Termites are social insects whose colonies are organized into castes with large "reproductives" and smaller workers and soldiers. Workers feed the colony and tend to the needs of the queen while soldiers defend the colony from invaders such as ants. These highly organized colonies allow termites to be efficient and very destructive when they attack our structures.

Termites eat wood and convert wood fiber, or cellulose, into sugar. A large termite colony can do extensive damage to structures made of wood. Since termites often consume wood from the inside out internally damaged wood can appear perfectly normal.
Inspections for subterranean termites can be a little more complicated than inspections for other structural pests like carpenter ants and wood boring beetles. Since the colonies are hidden you'll need to look for signs of an infestation rather than the termites themselves.
Termites travel within termite tubes going back and forth from the colony to the food source ( the wood in your home ). The tubes are made of soil particles, water, saliva and fecal material (for this reason they are sometimes called mud tubes). The presence of termite tubes is one of the best signs of a nearby termite colony.
Riding your home of Termites requires special skills. A knowledge of building construction is required to identify the critical areas where termites are likely to enter the home. Many of these potential points hidden and difficult to access. Termite control also utilizes specialized equipment such as masonry drills, pumps, large capacity tanks, and soil treatment rods. A typical treatment may involve several hundred gallons of pesticide known as termiticide, Injected into the ground alongside the foundation beneath concrete slabs, and within foundation walls. In short, termite treatment is better left to professionals such as LadyBug Pest Control.
Give us a call at 480.833.1111 and receive a FREE, no-obligation quote for Termite control in Phoenix, AZ or any other cities in the Valley.
